Logo Design

Exploring logo design
As part of my project, I am looking at re-designing the logo for 'Logie Farm Plant Nursery'. In my dissertation I am planning on writing about what techniques are used to create a sucessful corporate identity. By analysing this, I will look at famous re-designs of large cooperations such as 'Shell' etc.





How to design a successful logo?
There are 7 key rules to designing a perfect logo according to '1st Web Designer'.

1. The logo should be able to be used on a variety of media. For example, it should be usable out with print. In my case, I will be looking at creating uniforms as well as using it print and web.

2. The logo should be easy to understand and memorizable. This is a key factor! It could be simply the colour or shape which could remind us of the business. i.e. the green for BP is recognided instantly. I will be looking at how this is executed in my dissertation.

3. The logo should be able to answer 3 vital questions.
   a) Who is the target?
   b) What is the purpose?
   c) why do you need this logo?

4. It should be a timeless piece of design. Coca-cola is an excellent example of timeless logo design, a logo which never changes as time does.

5. It should be able to be displayed in Black & White as well as colour!

6. It should be impressive and seductive... it has to have impact!

7. It should remain simple! Over complicating can cause the logo to lose its purpose.

What not to do!

There are many things to avoid when designing a logo. These include: not relying on trends, using low quality images, using stock images, over complexity, typography, and colour. 

Trends are good to refer to in order to understand the direction of design but following trends to the T is not a good idea, this can just look like copying other cooperate identities. 

Always use vector images rather than bitmaps! Using bitmaps will show up with pixels rather than vector images, which is made up of mathematically precise points which ensures visual consistency. 

A good designer should be able to come up with their own designs rather than using the easy escape of stock art work!

Colour theory is another attribute which needs to be considered when designing anything. 

According to AG Design different colours have different meanings.

Orange - Tropical, luxury, passion and exotic things. It expresses enthusiasm, vibrant and expansive!

Yellow - Intellect, faith, goodness and friendship. It also sends vibes of optimism, happiness, idealism and imagination.

Blue - Popularly used to convey peace and tranquility, loyalty, harmony, trust and confidence.

Purple - Mystery, royalty and spirituality. 

Gray/white - Neutality, stability and wisdom. White - cleanliness. purity, youth, simplicity, innocences, friendship and peace. 

Green - Growth, money, humility and wisdom. The colour is decribed as kind, generous and is often used as a logical choice for financial sites.

Black - Mournful, Heavy and depressing. Can also have an essence of elegance, sophistication and mystery. 

Red - is considered hottest of all colours! It represents intensity, excitement and passion. Contrastingly, it can mean danger, heat, fire, speed, blood, competitive and rage!

Colour theory can be vital to a good design outcome!

Using the above colour-wheel relationship chart, it will be useful to find the best complimentary colour scheme for any design.

Logo Trends
Below are some examples of what design trends are set over the last few years. This will help me to design a logo which will be up to date.  

2009 - Psychedelic Pop Backgrounds 


Classic Modernism
Typographic logo
Puzzle Pattern

2008 - Organic 3D

Underground Typography - Minimal Font
Colour Scale